Wednesday, July 8

Weekend in New York- Spending Sunday with Dean and Laura

On Sunday of my Epic New York Adventure, (yes, it should all be capitalized, it was just that epic) I went out to Brooklyn to meet up with some friends that have a home on the Island.
They are two of my favorite summer people, and it was really great to see them!

Now, we didn't go on any explorations for out of the way food joints, but we did pass a joyous lazy afternoon in Prospect Park. If anyone remembers, that weekend was the weekend of the New York heat wave, and it reached over 90° in Manhattan. Brooklyn was thankfully cooler, but it was just too darn hot to actually do anything.

So instead, we picnicked in the park, and had a wonderful and generally downbeat afternoon.

Our luscious spread...

Laura made a great pasta salad, with lots and lots of olives (my fave!), and we had tons of hummus and cheeses to go with our artisan loaf.

There was also the remains of a roast chicken in there somewhere, which Laura and Dean had cooked a couple of nights before using a brine recipe.

Brines are, in my opinion, one of the best ways to cook poultry. The bird gets a great dose of flavor, and stays moist throughout.

Dean and Laura's version? Absolutely splendid.

It really made me wish I lived in an apartment, so that I could go home and make one for myself.

Laura and Dean also introduced me to my new favorite soda, which is unfortunately hard to find, Grown Up Soda (GUS for short). Their Cranberry Lime flavor is absolutely wonderful, like all the best parts of lime seltzer and cranberry juice, only a million times better.

If you're interested, their soda also comes in Cola, Meyer Lemon, Star Ruby Grapefruit (I'll have to try this one), Valencia Orange, Pomegranate, Ginger Ale, and Crimson Grape.

I also got the chance to hang out at their apartment for a little while afterward, and got some much needed kitty loving. I very much love my cat, but she's about 650 miles away from me for the majority of the year, so Dean and Laura were wonderful and let me spend some time playing with their little cutie.

Yes, that was an excuse to throw in a picture of an absolutely adorable cat.

Am I sorry?
Psh, please. It's a cat.
Since when does the internet not love cats?

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